To follow up on confirmed unknowns for Risk Factors and Outcome/Process Measures, we ask that you please review your data to identify these records and make any necessary updates. 


To identify these records:

  • Open your Close-Out Checklist
  • Click the resource link for item 11 for the confirmed unknown report
  • In the top right search bar, type "outmiss" to find the records that affect Outcome/Process Measures
  • Type "rfmiss" to find records that affect Risk Factors
  • Click on the ID number and update the data where necessary


Please also review disposition items that are "Unknown" (Items 53-57, 61-64). If you have a high percentage of "Unknown" dispositions, and these infants are "Still in House (SIH)", please review the SIH Table for instructions. 

For any "true unknowns", please provide an explanation in the Close Out Checklist by entering a comment in the comment section for any data that cannot be obtained if the percentage of unknown is >3%.