Q: What are the big baby eligibility criteria?

A:  Please click the link for big baby eligibility criteria: 


Q: Big baby eligibility criterion: infant death

A: An infant with a birth weight greater than 1,500 grams is eligible for the NICU Database if the infant is born alive and dies in your hospital's delivery room, or if the infant dies after being admitted to your NICU within 28 days of life.

"A live born infant is one who breathes or has any evidence of life, such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of voluntary muscle, regardless of whether the umbilical cord has been cut or the placenta is attached. Heartbeats are distinguished from transient cardiac contractions; respirations are to be distinguished from fleeting respiratory efforts or gasps."

Source: American Academy of Pediatrics: Clinical Reports: Standard Terminology for Fetal, Infant, and Perinatal Deaths. The committee on Fetus and Newborn. Pediatrics 2011; 128:1 177-181


  1. An infant with a birth weight of 1,800 grams is admitted to your NICU at 10 days old and dies at age 12 days. This infant is eligible for CPQCC.
  2. An infant with a birth weight of 1,800 grams is admitted to your NICU at 10 days old after a previous discharge and dies at age 12 days. This infant is eligible for CPQCC.
  3. An infant with a birth weight of 1,800 grams is admitted to your NICU at 30 days old after a previous discharge home and dies at age 35 days. This infant is not eligible for CPQCC.
  4. An infant with a birth weight of 1,800 grams is transported to your NICU at 30 days old and dies at age 60 days. This infant is not eligible for CPQCC.
  5. An infant with a birth weight of 1,800 grams is stillborn in your hospital's delivery room. This infant is not eligible for CPQCC.
  6. An infant with a birth weight of 1,800 grams is brought to your hospital's emergency room at 26 days old. The infant dies in the emergency room and is never admitted to your NICU. This infant is not eligible for CPQCC.