Q: How should we test for early sepsis? Should we check for positive culture other than blood?
A: Yes, Early Bacterial Sepsis is defined as a positive blood culture and/or cerebrospinal fluid culture was obtained on Day 1, 2, of 3 of life.
Q: An infant is transferred from Hospital A to Hospital B. In Hospital A the baby shows positive for sepsis but negative in Hospital B. Which information should be put on the form?
A: Even though a negative blood culture was obtained after transfer to Hospital B, there is still a documented occurrence of a positive blood culture and/or cerebrospinal fluid obtained between Day 1-3 in Hospital A. If entering data for Hospital A, mark EBS here. If entering data for Hospital B, mark EBS elsewhere.
Q: Are infants with late sepsis (after 3 days) eligible into the database?
A: Small babies will automatically qualify regardless if they have late sepsis or not. Big babies would NOT qualify on this criterion alone.