Q. When a baby qualifies for CPQCC as a small baby, for example a 1400 gram 33 week IUGR, and this baby was born at a higher level of care and is transferred to us for convalescent care, do I need to do a CPeTS form? It is not a transfer to higher level of care.
A. You do not need a CPeTS form for a baby transferred to a lower level for convalescent care.
Q: Is bed availability general or specific?
For example, if a 4 day old is seen in the ER for possible sepsis, needs IVF & IVAB, but can not be admitted to that hospital due to lack of isolation room in NICU, does it count as a transport to come to my hospital?
A: The 2019 definition for Acute Transport now excludes staffing/census issues (sometimes
referred to as “bed availability”) or insurance restrictions.
So if the baby was solely transported for bed availability then this infant would not qualify.
Q. I have two transports in from Watsonville Hospital where a TRS form is not included on the CPQCC record. Per the "ACUTE TRANSPORT DECISION TREE" these two babies meet the criteria as they are transferred to a higher level of care by a NICU transport team. All my other transports in the form is included.
A: The data center will have to add in the TRS forms on the backend. Please submit a CPQCC Help Desk Ticket and provide the IDs that need a TRS form. As a reminder, when you are entering new data, in the eligibility screen you need to select that this is an acute transfer in, this will attach a TRS form to the ID.